This series was hosted at the Thinker Makers Society

Asanas at the Art Gallery

This series combined yoga and art in one space. Every week an artist was featured with a theme centered around creativity, inner joy, or freedom of expression.

Connect and Express

Trinity led a gentle yoga flow and meditation session centered around healing the inner child and expressing creativity. Participants were encouraged to tap into their childlike wonder and imagination as they moved through the practice. Through soothing postures and guided visualization, each individual could nurture their inner child and rediscover their innate creativity. The session left everyone feeling lighter, more connected, and inspired to continue exploring the depths of their creativity.

Tap into your creative potential

Trin to tapping into the playful and imaginative energy of her inner child. As she closed her eyes and deepened her breath, she visualized a serene garden where her younger self was surrounded by colors and shapes, inviting her to explore without judgment. With each inhale, Trinity embraced the curiosity and creativity that flowed effortlessly from her core. Through this practice, she reconnected with her authentic self and unleashed a cascade of joy and inspiration that had been dormant for far too long.

Cleanse and Ground

Trin cleanseing each individual before beginning their practice.

Warming up the Spine

Take a few rounds of cat-cow to awaken the spine.


Staying N Flow


Educator's Oasis